About Password 97
Password 97 is designed to allow Individuals or Network Administrators the ability to
password protect the Windows Environment.
Password 97 will run on the Windows 95 Platform (A 16bit versions, for Windows 3.1x is
still in testing stage at the time of writing this help file.)
The Password 97 consist of two individual programs:
Password Utilities -: this program is used to configure the various option available.
Password Protection Program -: This is the part of the system that does the protection.
Features of Password 97:
- Password Utilities can register any window / program for password protection. Including
windows such as Control Panel, Display Settings, Network Settings, etc.
- Both 16bit (when completed) and 32bit versions will share the same data files.
- Data files are stored both locally and on the network to aid in security in times of
server failure.
- Password levels:
- Supervisor level: With complete rights including ability to create other
supervisors, managers, temporary users and access programs.
- Manager level: Rights to create temporary users and access programs.
- User level: Rights to access programs for a limited amount of time.
- Temporary Groups are created by supervisor / manager allowing a number of users access
to protected programs for a limited period of time.
- Ability for supervisor / manager to temporarily halt a complete groups access. (In the
case of supervised access.)
- Each group is created with the same name and password. eg. Name : TEST Password : FROG
Users login as TEST01, TEST02, etc. all with same password.
- Ability to change user password.
- Delete programs from a list of registered programs.
- Automated registering of programs / windows.
- Batch creation of many managers via a comma delimited text file.
- Supervisor password required for Password 97 shutdown.
- Message box notification if unable to find the correct files as specified in program
network setup.
- Key Encrypted Password files that suite only the licensed program that created them.
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E-mail me Vince Pannell (vincepan@vmpdev.com)
With any comment or queries.